Wednesday, January 04, 2006

WooHooo Work is Insane...

So i have a GREAT schedule.... 9am - 6pm with weekends off... yep I work monday-friday and only have to work the weekends if I want some overtime which will be all the overtime I could ever want with med d going on.. yes I am a pharmacy help desk representative.. LoL so all this pharmacists are calling and going what do I do.. and what I'd like to tell them is to just take a baseball bat to their computer but ....... instead I tell them how to get the claim to process....
so i'm coming in early all this week and Rachael and larry are going to be down in less than 11 days.. woohooo yes.....
ok well thats it back to the salt mines my break is over..

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Years Everybody!!!!

Hope that this new year is wonderful and bright and full of glorious things.....
I know that this year can only be better than the last...