Thursday, September 01, 2005

Busy Month

tommorow will make it a month that I've been working now for BankOne/Chase being trained as a Finacial Service Advisor sounds really impressive right... LoL tommorow will be my first day taking any phone calls and will prove to be an interesting one.... Rich and I totally copped out on dinner tonight.... fried chicken dinner from albertson's.. LoL greasy greasy chicken... it was yummmy

Not much more going on here.. I'm working and Rich is working and we get to hang out at night and on the weekends.... and my apartment is totally trashed because i'm not home to clean it... LoL however i have managed to keep a good control on the dishes... if I had a dishwasher than it would be NO problem... but I'm keeping a it down and not too full and 90% empty most nights....

well thats all I want to chill with Rich.... :)

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