Sunday, December 25, 2005

Our Second Christmas!!

Our christmas was amazing... we decided since we we're going to be spending the morning with my parents that we would open our presents on christmas eve.... So I bought Rich the psp he had been dying for ever since he saw Brad's.. LoL and I found a really nice dressy dallas cowboys watch so he was super excited about it and i bought him a couple of movies for his psp... and I got a stocking full of candy and little things that we're just so sweet, like a pink badge holder for my work badge! and a some pretty nail files and some chapstick because I have been complaing about my chapped lips... i had been dying for some victoria secret love spell body spray and a new bottle of tommy girl...He got me two amazing presents..... a velvet soft "baby" teddy bear from build a bear.. that when you squeeze his hand you hear rich say "hey courtney, I love you very much!" oh i could not quit squeezing the damn hand.... LoL i love it so much and all the girls at work love it!! LoL they all want to marry my hubby now...... and then i opened the smallest present.... a princess cut pink saphire ring in white gold.. it's beautiful..... there are time I can't quit staring at it..... ok so that's what we did ....... and now we are headed to bed... I have to go to work tommrow.. but i do get to sleep in and rich has the next week off..... at least i get to see him...... get my new schedule soon.. keep your fingers crossed......

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Our First Anniversary

Well we spent our first anniversary at the car dealership picking up our new car!!!!!! We are now the proud owners of a Pontiac Grand Prix GT the payments are perfect and the way we got it was simply amazing..... We had orginally thought we were getting a 2002 Ford Taurus because we thought thats what we could afford... well they were able to work the financing so that we could afford the Pontiac with an awesome sound system and a great engine and I just love driving the car.... I told Rich that this present would be hard to top.. and he laughed.... and was like yeah I will probably never top this present.... LoL no it was an awesome day and we had a lot of fun and really enjoyed ourselves
so thats all for now.....

Thursday, December 01, 2005

i'm at work

and i just got my new schedule.... 11am-8pm which means that I would get to spend.... maybe an hour with rich each night but I would have the weekends with him for two more weeks... because I missed all that time because of my car i'm kinda screwed... got my paycheck for last week... it was pathetic but it's money that I did earn and therfore i'm thankful.... so the calls are coming a little slow today but thats allright it gives me time to to do things like look for what I want for my christmas present I think i found it on it's a beautiful purse.... and a wallet to match..... i think he would much rather get me that then the kitchen aide cookware set i also want... LoL so maybe I could get that for myself in january or february when we move into the new apartment... we have to talk them about that and soon i want to give them at least2 months notice.... woohoo so excited i am thrilled about moving into a new apartment.. especially with a washer and dryer in it... no more retarded hours of operation for the laundry room or the constatnly broke machines... woohooo 2 am in my birthday suit and I could do laundry!!!!
i talked to rae at lunch and i miss her so badly.... but i do get to see her january 12-15 i think is when she'll be here..... so i'm excited......
oh my goodness it is so freakin slow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but totally not complaining......
sorry had to take a call.... i love where i work... just had to share that with you all!!!!
well because there is massive room for moving up and he wants to promote about a 1/3 of people on the floor now.. so.. we'll see what happens... let me get off this thing and do something else.