Thursday, December 01, 2005

i'm at work

and i just got my new schedule.... 11am-8pm which means that I would get to spend.... maybe an hour with rich each night but I would have the weekends with him for two more weeks... because I missed all that time because of my car i'm kinda screwed... got my paycheck for last week... it was pathetic but it's money that I did earn and therfore i'm thankful.... so the calls are coming a little slow today but thats allright it gives me time to to do things like look for what I want for my christmas present I think i found it on it's a beautiful purse.... and a wallet to match..... i think he would much rather get me that then the kitchen aide cookware set i also want... LoL so maybe I could get that for myself in january or february when we move into the new apartment... we have to talk them about that and soon i want to give them at least2 months notice.... woohoo so excited i am thrilled about moving into a new apartment.. especially with a washer and dryer in it... no more retarded hours of operation for the laundry room or the constatnly broke machines... woohooo 2 am in my birthday suit and I could do laundry!!!!
i talked to rae at lunch and i miss her so badly.... but i do get to see her january 12-15 i think is when she'll be here..... so i'm excited......
oh my goodness it is so freakin slow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but totally not complaining......
sorry had to take a call.... i love where i work... just had to share that with you all!!!!
well because there is massive room for moving up and he wants to promote about a 1/3 of people on the floor now.. so.. we'll see what happens... let me get off this thing and do something else.

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