Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas is about 9 DAYS away!!!

WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ok so I'm super excited.. things are going really well at work. I'm so excited and I teach another class next week and then I get the weekend before christmas off and then christmas and the day after which I'm going to need. I've been working so much that I'm ready to scream!!!!!
But rich and i are getting ready to go christmas shopping tommorow!!! woohooo thank god for 3 paychecks in december.... Lahdi Dah!!!!
Love you

Friday, December 08, 2006

I had to share this with you!
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

how/'>">How many have your name?

Four Days till Our Second Anniversary!!!

I cannot believe that we have been together for two wonderful years with our ups and downs it's been an amazing two years and I would give them up for anything. So on my anniversary I will be teaching a class... Yep I'm still training at work and it has been an experience let me tell you. I would say that I have loved almost 98% of it. The other 2% is just bullshit and the 98% makes the bullshit all worth while.... Med D is fast approaching and it's basically why I'm training, to get the call center I work for ready for January 1st. Yep I'll be at work 1-1-2007! yuch!
oh well I'll get over it it will be one hell of a nice check.
Love ya'll

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving to all of us!!!!

wow, we just got done eating a huge meal! Rich and I had my parents over for thanksgiving lunch really... So we had turkey, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes (made with splenda and sugar free cool whip for the diabetic's I love so much) two kinds of stuffing, two veggies.... and very yummy sugar free desserts.... i know thanksgiving is the time to splurge but it just isn't worth the icky feelings they get when their sugar's out of whack.. Bye for now....

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Happy Birthday to MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's my birthday... and i really need to post a picture of my present from Rich!!!! yep i now have a beautiful blue saphire ring with chanel set diamonds and saphires on the sides.. it's really pretty!!!! i just have to go and get it resized... which I'm hoping shouldn't take too long.... and i have a hole where my tooth was.. and let me tell you i'm in no pain.... it's a wonderful thing a hell of a wonderful thing.....
well thats all for now

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

OH MY ACHING TOOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I currently have a broken wisdom tooth!! which is hurting like a you know what!!!!! so I've been out of work almost 3 days because of this..... and it's not getting any better. I went to a general dentist and they said yep you need them pulled you'll need to see an oral surgeon, so they sent all the referral paperwork off and we didn't hear anything for almost 2 weeks... Yeah.. so i finally am about to lose it in pain and i have them call in an emergency referral and guess what.. my orginal paper referrall was denied! yep denied!!!! NOPE you can't see an oral surgeon a general dentist is qualified to take you tooth out... uhhh hello!! she obvously couldn't or else she wouldn't have referred me to someone else.. DUH!!! so I went to an oral surgeon to see how much it would be out of pocket... when I called it was 190-275 including the 60$ consulation.. amazing how much it jumped up when I got there.. well all 4 do need to be removed and that would cost.... 1520$ 350 for the tooth extraction and 350 for the sedation.. yep i need to be put out.. how lovely...... so i just got off the phone with a NEW dentist office and I have an appointment at 11:15 and it's right near my work and they won't promise they can take my tooth out but they can look at it and see if it's possible.... this is getting insane!!!!!
totally completely 100% insane....... my work is getting pissy but you know what they can kiss my ass... i've have GREAT attendance up untill this point so they can suck it!
LoL ok I really need my job right now... but....... they're starting to annoy me severly.... gotta run and make some more calls

Friday, June 09, 2006

Happy June

my sweetie started his own wresting blog @ so check it out... nothing much going on... we're looking forward to our birthdays that are coming up really soon.. rich's is in 16 days and mine is in 33 days... oh yeah I have a jewelry bag sitting in my bathroom closet Yeah my bathroom closet!!!!!!! rich put it there to "torture" me which i was like whatever.... I can totally wait to get my birthday present..... it's been there for almost a month already so..........
:) well work is work and I'm trying to not go crazy I had a cranky day today but by the time I got home i was in a much better mood..... MUCHO better mood.....
well thats all for now..

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I'm a bitch and I haven't written in this thing in ages.... there has been so much going on I don't even know where to begin.... I have recently begun working towards becoming a supervisor at work which is a big and scary step BUT one that I've really been working hard towards and looking forward to.. so basically I do all the crappy things they ask me to do and it looks good and really thats all that matters. right now i'm in a training class learning the old software along with 2 other people which really is a lot of fun and I'm developing professional relationships with all the right people. which is an interesting and different thing for me to do... I should right more but american idol is on and I don't want to miss it even though!!! CHRIS the best thing on the damn show is gone!!!!!!
Love you all!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

WooHooo Work is Insane...

So i have a GREAT schedule.... 9am - 6pm with weekends off... yep I work monday-friday and only have to work the weekends if I want some overtime which will be all the overtime I could ever want with med d going on.. yes I am a pharmacy help desk representative.. LoL so all this pharmacists are calling and going what do I do.. and what I'd like to tell them is to just take a baseball bat to their computer but ....... instead I tell them how to get the claim to process....
so i'm coming in early all this week and Rachael and larry are going to be down in less than 11 days.. woohooo yes.....
ok well thats it back to the salt mines my break is over..

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Years Everybody!!!!

Hope that this new year is wonderful and bright and full of glorious things.....
I know that this year can only be better than the last...