Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I'm in a funk. Plain and simple!! 1/23 will mark 12 years since my mom passed away.  12 years of not hearing her voice, her words of encouragement, her wisdom, all that she was; gone.  I know she is there for me in spirit, I will feel her sometimes around me and I know that it (whatever IT is that day) will be ok.  But sometimes not so much, sometimes I just feel all alone. 

Rich and I celebrated are 8th wedding anniversary!  We've made it 8 years, through lots of ups and downs and love and screaming matches... we've made it. Part of me marvels that me who was so afraid of this commitment thing has made it this far and when I look to my future I still see myself beside him holding my hand. Still no children, still no idea what God has planned for our life, which is frustrating and maddening, and stressful. I know that God has a plan for us, just wish I could have some clues as to what it is.

I've been blog hopping, something that I don't do as often as I used to and I stumbled upon one where I ended up reading the entire blog, why you ask because this woman has such a strong spirit, even through all of her trials she is praising God and thanking him for what he has given her. Seriously it makes me mad at myself!! In my opinion she has gone through so much more heartbreak and pain and yet she praises God!  So today I start praising God for everything he has done, will do, and continues to do for me and Rich.  I may not understand why were in one situation after another but I do know that I have an awesome God who will never leave me or forsake me! 

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