Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Tuesday morning musings

this is a picture of me when I was just several weeks old, my mommy holding me, my maternal grandmother and then my great grandmother who I'm told NEVER smiled.... I've been having major missing my mommy moments lately.... could be i just had my birthday... could be that my dad and *other*mom just celebrated their one year anniversary it could be a number of reasons. all I know is that I miss her, I miss her advice, I miss her wacked out sense of humor, I miss her hugs, I miss her scratching my back (sounds goofy but Rach knows what I'm talking about) I miss so many things about her.... I do NOT miss the many trips to the hospital, the constant pain she was in, the confusion she would sometimes find herself in.... Mercy Me wrote a great song called homesick and I just get chills when I listen to it.... I'm gonna find the 4x6 picture that was taken the sunday before she died.... she looks so happy and so serene..... I just need to keep that in mind.....
I just needed to get that off my chest....

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