Saturday, November 26, 2005

I have had a kinda crappy week but it got better

Well for starters Monday was the first day of OJT *on the job training* woohooo it went fine and with little problems.... tuesday found out servers going out and we we're sent home early.... and then tuesday night rich and I headed out to get his hair cut and get him some jeans *woohoo the only other time i've ever seen my hubby in jeans was on our wedding day* and on the way back my car stalled out just died.... so i restarted it and it ran and then stalled out again i'm like WTF?!? so we called brad and he came down and looked at it and we had to run around on wednesday and get the parts well we didn't find them but we did go and see harry potter's new movie which I loved and thought was excellent!!! Thanksgiving was wonderful we went to my Aunt Beth and Uncle Dave's house which was lots of fun they have a beautiful house on a large piece of land... and then we headed over to Paula's house and was over there for a 3 hours or so and had a blast there as well..... all in all we had a great thanksgiving... and now it's saturday and I finally have made an apt to get my hair done which I can't believe I finally did!!!! so it's time to wake rich up and get him in the shower!!! LoL
Later days

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