Saturday, October 22, 2005


Well Brad was able to fix my brake lights and make it so they weren't permanently on!!! Thank goodness :) so i went to an interview in Eustis.. ewwww no! and then went to one in Orlando kinda close to where we live not so far away really nice call center really clean bright and friendly and I got hired so now I have a job and I start work next Wednesday 8-5 which isn't bad and then my reg schedule will be 10-7ish.... which I'm not thrilled over but then I do still get to see rich at night which will be wonderful!!!! best part is NO selling and business to business contact.... which means fewer yelling calls!! yay, I like that part...... well that all my news for the past couple of days.... Rich is doing great on his diet and seems to be feeling better overall except today he just isn't feeling himself..... :(
Well later days...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


So yesterday I started walking again in the morning.... so today i was going to walk again but it was freakin cold.. yes cold... LoL too cold for the shorts and t-shirt i was wearing so I came inside after a 1/4 of a mile and plugged in the walking dvd we bought a while ago and I really like it alot I did a mile straight through and really enjoyed it.... so the thing is that when we (rich and i are going to start doing it at night) master that one we have a two mile "intense" workout also on the dvd.... so it should last us for at least a little while.. with me trying to get a nanny job I think my weight can be a factor in being hired.... so I at least want to build up my stamina so that I can run around with the best of them....
**so yesterday rich comes home and tell me my tailights are on and i think hmmm thats weird I wasn't running my headlights and they always bing at me when I do leave them on.... ok... well i go to the back of my car and it's the brake lights they're on... so i'm like thats even weirder, so i drive my car a little see if I can't "unstick" them or something doesn't work and still on.. left them and then later on went to see if I could get them to turn off again nope my car wouldn't even start drained my battery.... so after talking to brad *thank god for brad* he sugested we pull up on the brake pedal and what do you know it cut off... so he thinks the spring may be worn and it's letting the brake pedal rest on the sensor that controls the lights.... so i have to have the spring replaced so hopefully it will be a cheep fix and I'm praying that brad can fix it!!!
:) :) :) smile

Sunday, October 16, 2005

10 months

Rich and I have been blissfully, happily, indulgently married for 10 months now....
Ok can you tell that I love being with Rich and being married to him is just the icing on the cake... lol we make a good team and work well together... i love his sense of humor and the way he can make me feel..... no one has ever had that effect on me... ok i could go on ad naseum for hours about this but really.....
Mere is coming down in like a month..... wooohooo
Hopefully monday i'll get a call about a job.. woohooo
thats about all this sunday morning.... i got up way to early but thats ok.... i'll just go to bed early....

Thursday, October 13, 2005

So After a successful 9 weeks

I got fired... for being sick for half a day..... thats ok after crying and feeling horribly depressed for all day yesterday rich came home and cheered me up and made me feel better and then I had an interview today with a nanny agency which was fun fun fun... and she gave me great news there's a shortage of good nannies and that she thinks she can get me temp work till i can be placed with a family.. which is awesome news just a chance to make money and keep up to date.. i mean our bills are all paid and we have food in the fridge and some money in the bank but and rent isn't due for another 15 or so days..... and rich has a paycheck coming in which will cover that plus food.. but still having that extra money was nice.. the nice thing about temp nannying is that it's cash!! Hello..... but I really liked the lady and she was extremely nice and we got along really well... so i'm supposed to hear from her soon.......wooohoooooo

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Tommorow is FRIDAY

I am so freakin happy!!! I have barely made it through this week I'm just so tired I know it's been forever since I wrote in here.. Rich got great news from his dr. he now only has to take his blood sugar every other day and just a couple times instead of everyday 4times a day... he is happy and it's also helped his mood.. LoL he's very numbers focused and this has helped him to think about how he's feeling and to base what he should eat on that.. which is better for him.... we've been walking around the mall because it's been so rainy here.... so when I sit at work and look outside it's GRAY and rainy and really depressing!!!! and it sux it's hard to be upbeat and happy and get yelled at by at least 10 people a day when it's so yucky outside... at least when it's sunshiney and everything looks so clean I can smile.... LoL
We're looking at moving to a one bedroom which I think will be the most wonderful thing we can do right now!!! I love having a studio but as we are making more money we've begun aquiring new things and there really isn't room for it all.. LoL but a one bedroom will be a fun stretch.. budget wise I'm not worried but just what it will look like and will I be able to make it homey like our studio.... right now our apartment is a disaster zone with a capital D rich works 45 hours a week and has a five hours travel time a week and I'm out of the house 50 hours a week as well when we come home i feel good if I can make a healthy dinner and serve it before 6..... I'm right now working on shortcuts to make dinner easier.... one of the biggest ones is making the brown rice ahead of time because it can take an hour to cook which really just stresses me out.... I can get the meat and veggies ready in 20 -25 min the rice just needs to cook faster i don't like the instant or quick cook brown rice......
I am totally psyched for this weekend.. Rachael and Larry are coming down for the Edgewater High School Homecoming Game.. and then hanging out Saturday with his parents which she's thrilled about.... LoL poor thing.... and then sunday we're going to hang out with my family going to the Orlando Museum of Art.. check out what they have there... so excited...
and they we're doing dinner somewhere nice....woohooo I'm way to happy......

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
happy happy joy joy!!!!