Tuesday, May 31, 2005

So I didn't write when I said I would

Well we spent most of the week making calls and then Friday morning I had to go back in to have blood drawn because there wasn't enough and that just drove me crazy so I had to wait even longer to get my results .... My sisters we're in town for my party and just to have fun and we did have a lot of fun. I miss not having my sister close, but am almost postive we are going to be moving to Blue Springs, MO where my "step" sister lives.. we act like we've known each other all of our lives so I really don't think of her as being my "step" anything... LoL
The party went great and amazingly well, Rich's family came which was nice as they got to meet my parents.. we've been married for over 5 months and our parents had never met... I do get off easy on some things...

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Our Party

Rich and I posing with our cake!!! which my mom had ordered from Publix it was so very yummy! We had a great time and had so much fun.... It was nice for our my parents to meet his mom and stepdad and even gramma came which was nice.... So there are lots of pictures and I'm working on setting up a website to show off some of the pictures....

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

T-3 hours

Ok so there are three hours to go before we can call and see what the results are, and then we have to make about a gazillion calls after that... I'm trying not to be nervous so I'm surfing the net and find myself and baby sites and go ohhhh I want that! LoL so I thought if i took 10 min to write all this down I might feel better about it all... There are a lot of thoughts swirling in my head right now, most of them going i really do want to be pregnant but like I've been saying to everyone and trying to constantly tell myself.. If I'm supposed to be pregnant than I will be it's up to God and God alone whether or not I am... I have been doing an enormous amount of praying lately just that his will be done no matter how badly I want this... I'll post again when we get home...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Our Travels

So today we ran all over town trying to find a place to have a blood pregnancy test, we went to 3 places and made calls to 3 places before we finally found a place to have it done! So we made it and it was actually not that bad, so now we get to wait 2 days to get the results which is going to drive us crazy waiting as we're not that patient of people.... LoL
I feel like everytime I turn around I was having to tell people what was up so that what was going to be kept very quiet ended up being slightly big...
We found out that Rich's mom and stepdad our coming to our party which is thrilling and scary all at the same time...
Oh I got my wedding band today which is simply beautiful and goes so well with my new engagemtn band.. but what i really love is that it matches Rich's wedding ring... I'm so dorky but thats ok....

Friday, May 20, 2005


Frustrated is the perfect word to describe how I'm feeling.... My body is having fun playing tricks on me and we just want to know whats going on.... thats all I just need to vent a little....

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Things to talk about

So Rich and I bought that computer and it took me a little bit longer to get back to the blog but I'm gonna work on making sure that I at least post once a week. Right now there is pretty much nothing going on still planning the big party which should be a lot of fun as more names get added. I'm not working right now but Rich gave my resume to one of his bosses as one of the girls in the office moved to the factory but I'm not sure thats going to work out as the girl is complaining about her back hurting so she's probably going back to the office....
Next week I'll post my resume and go on interviews wooohoooo so much fun, ooooh I ordered my new rings, the ones I wear now which we're my mothers I'm having a really bad reaction to the gold plus for some reason they're cutting into my skin. This is my wedding band : http://www.overstock.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi?page=proframe&prod_id=856096 it matches Rich's wedding band which was important to me cause for some reason I'm all in to that matching.
Well I have to go get the laundry out of the dryers so I'll talk more later.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

It'a a Start

Well like I said it's a start.... something for everyone to see what's going on in our lives.... See what we're thinking and fun things like that... Well right now we are preparing for our big party that my parents are throwing for us May 29th, as a reception and for people to meet Rich considering I've kept him under lock and key and never let him go out.. LOL biggest laugh ever Rich and I just happen to be the biggest homebodies ever and so we don't tend to go out much.. One of our favorite activities is still hanging out with Brad and Joyce and their baby Brie on tuesday nights watching american Idol and letting the comments fly about how good or how absolutely horrible they were....
Nothing much else.. will get lots of picture posted soon very soon like within the week we get our new computer tonight or tommorow which I am thrilled about so I can get all the pic's from my parents computer and get them on mine.... Later Days