Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Our Travels

So today we ran all over town trying to find a place to have a blood pregnancy test, we went to 3 places and made calls to 3 places before we finally found a place to have it done! So we made it and it was actually not that bad, so now we get to wait 2 days to get the results which is going to drive us crazy waiting as we're not that patient of people.... LoL
I feel like everytime I turn around I was having to tell people what was up so that what was going to be kept very quiet ended up being slightly big...
We found out that Rich's mom and stepdad our coming to our party which is thrilling and scary all at the same time...
Oh I got my wedding band today which is simply beautiful and goes so well with my new engagemtn band.. but what i really love is that it matches Rich's wedding ring... I'm so dorky but thats ok....

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