Thursday, May 19, 2005

Things to talk about

So Rich and I bought that computer and it took me a little bit longer to get back to the blog but I'm gonna work on making sure that I at least post once a week. Right now there is pretty much nothing going on still planning the big party which should be a lot of fun as more names get added. I'm not working right now but Rich gave my resume to one of his bosses as one of the girls in the office moved to the factory but I'm not sure thats going to work out as the girl is complaining about her back hurting so she's probably going back to the office....
Next week I'll post my resume and go on interviews wooohoooo so much fun, ooooh I ordered my new rings, the ones I wear now which we're my mothers I'm having a really bad reaction to the gold plus for some reason they're cutting into my skin. This is my wedding band : it matches Rich's wedding band which was important to me cause for some reason I'm all in to that matching.
Well I have to go get the laundry out of the dryers so I'll talk more later.

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