Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Job Interviews

Well I didn't get that Job I really wanted and considering we are now going 20 days past.. it's scaring me a little.... so I just recieved a call from a place and they want me to come in for an interview tommorow at 11:30am Hallelujah and praise the Lord... I really need a job don't really want one just because I'm a lazy bum.... LoL but no I'm trying to behave and know that I will// rich and I really just need and a small amount of money to really just make it... but it will be nice to put money aside so that when we move we have a bunch of money to really do it well.... which I'm thinking may be a you pack we drive! cause I'm not sure we want to drive plus we have to get both of our cars up there.... UGH to much to think about!
:) smile peeps

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