Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Something New.... The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window... The sun is shining it's a beautiful 81 degrees
I am thinking... about a lot of things.... mostly I want to go swimming!
I am thankful for... A roof over my head and food in my fridge
From the kitchen... It is a complete and total mess, I need to load the dishwasher and wipe
down the counters
I am wearing... my pajamas still, I see no reason to wear "real" clothes unless I'm headed out of the house
I am creating... LOTS I finished two sewing projects yesterday and today as soon as I'm off the computer I will be knitting some on a scarf project maybe for a mothers day present
I am going... to the store today sometime, we need water and bread
I am reading... Jodi Picoult's Keeping Faith only a couple of pages in but so far it's really good and I think I'll take some time today to read a few more pages, I'm also trying to keep up with my Bible in a Year reading..

I am hoping... to find a job soon, although I have LOVED being home my bills do not appreciate it at all!!!
I am hearing... The t.v. as Rich watches ESPN nest to me
Around the house... working on laundry and have to wash the bedding today
One of my favorite things... Ladybug my chihuahua curled up on the floor at my feet
A few plans for the rest of the week: Tomorrow Rich and I are headed out to Mimi's for breakfast with a BOGO coupon the only way we go out anymore... LoL

Here is picture for thought I am sharing... one of my sewing projects from yesterday

Friday, February 18, 2011

Our Valentines Day!

Well our plans didn't come to be as we expected. Rich's arm was bothering him so much he spent most of the day on his pain pills or in extreme pain. So we had a homemade breakfast and sandwhiches for lunch and then by dinner he wasn't hungry at all so I ended up making a pizza for me.....
Today is Friday which is nice! I am however going to do something fun for breakfast tomorrow morning the only reason I didn't do it this morning is because the pan isn't clean... LoL so today will be working on the dishes again and hopefully will get them all done!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Random thoughts from last night....

I wore 3in heels for over 2 hours last night... Uhmmmm i've never done that before so between that and all the dancing I did in super cute provided flip flops for dancing..... I am sore and very achy.... It was a beautiful and amazing wedding.... Jon and Liz are truly meant for each other and I know that this will be a marriage that will last... I made their wedding card and it came out beautiful and I was so freaking impressed with myself but forgot to take a pic...... so now I need to make one for Laurie and Jeff and that way I get to send it off with my neice's Emily's gift =) ahhhhh so funny I put my hair in a modified bun last night and then when I took it out this morning I had a riot of curls!!! it was awesome..... The wedding had a candy bar as favors with the chinese take out boxes to fill up... So super yummy Rich Jenny and I shared a slice of the red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting... ahhh the food the amazing and yummy food... Cesar salad, Chicken cabernet with spinach and ham, Salmon, roast beef sliced fresh, Mashed potatoes and bread... and then a table with sour cream, shredded cheese, chopped bacon, bernaise sauce and horserasish sauce..... Ahhhh it was so amazing Ok I've over used the word amazing....

Saturday, February 05, 2011

So Excited....

Today we are headed to a wedding for Rich's nephew Jon and his wife to be Liz. An amazing couple who are so sweet and and so amazing... It was fun trying to decide what to wear Joyce, had a lilac dress that was very pretty and did amazingly fit me despite being a size smaller than I normally even try on.... LoL and so I was pretty sure that was what I was going to wear... it's a night wedding being held at Casa Feliz so I know it's going to "fancee" LoL and then I tried on another dress which was an 18 which fit me yes about 3-4 sizes smaller than I normally wear and I loved the way it looked on me when I looked down and then I walked out to the living room and Rich asked if I was naked underneath... it has a nude sheath and then a black gauzy overlay with black satin stripes.... So I went and looked in the mirror and understood what he was talking about I looked NAKED!!! So out went that dress.... back to the lilac one which was very pretty and very dressy but it was sleeveless with this little cape.. I've very insane about my arms showing it is the least favorite part of my body.... so I was uncomfortable in thinking about wearing it... So I remember I do have a very pretty dress at the bottom of my closet that I wore to my Dad and Sherry's wedding and it being very comfortable so i pulled it out and modeled it for my hubby who said he liked it a lot and so that is what I will be wearing... It's red and black and beige rectangular blocks... We headed out this morning orginally to get a button extender for the top button of Rich's shirt and some Rit dye to dye rich's shirt black.. well we couldn't find any extender and happened upon a short sleeve black shirt so Rich will be wearing a black jacket, black shirt, and gorgeous gray pants with black stripes... I can't wait to take pictures =) I'm going to post a pic of me wearing the dress 6 1/2 years ago....

Friday, February 04, 2011

Amazing Find!!!

I was reading my cousin Tonya's blog and happened across a post about http://www.paperbackswap.com/ So of course I followed the link and got excited I read a lot of book and can sit down in an afternoon and lose myself in a book and finish it that day. So I registered my 10 books and got 2 credits right away and promptly ordered a Jodi Piccoult book.. so excited and can't wait to get it and read it. I am going to have to tell my sister about the site.
I'm trying to get everything together to make a card for my husband's nephew wedding tomorrow. I printed some pictures and want to cut them out and decoupage them on the bottom of some plates and then give them some ball candles. I think that's a good personal and frugal present.... things I already have but something unique and enjoyable.

Happy the weekend is coming up!

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

My Background...

So I have a background on my blog of an elephant my favorite animal =) We were at the Flea Market about six months ago and I came accross two pics of elephants and really wanted them.. but I only had 2$ and the stickers on them we're 3$ and 5$ the guy who was selling them walked up to us and asked if I wanted them and of course I said yes but I only have 2$ and he said sold I'll take... so they came home and I looked at them and wanted to hand them but wasn't sure where, so finally right before everyone came down I came across them on my dining room table and picked them up and was determined to hang them in the next 5 min so I walked in my room saw a picture hanging hook above my bed and one on the other side of the wall and went there they will go and now they are hanging =)

I found this cute elephant template and want to find some fabric and sew it on my light blue fleece blanket and make a soft and cuddly blanket with elephants on it =)

Rich told me now with our new printer I should print pictures of elephants and frame them and hang them in the room

Rich had me print a black and white pic of Elvis it looks amazing but I wasn't paying attention and printed it on a 8 1/2 by 11 paper which means it won't fit in a standard 8x10 .... I am almost postive I can get a certificate frame at Walmart for like 4$ and either spray paint it black or paint it...

Ok going to sign off and maybe I can work on a pet book and get it listed on Etsy =)

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Happy February!

LoL Whatever you do you should not hit enter after typing your title..... why because all of a sudden it says your blog has been posted... Uhhmmmm I didn't type anything witty or charming or just plain snarky!!! I was writing a good friend an email this morning and I told her that one of my new years resolutions was to connect more with my family that I liked and my awesome friends.... For me sometimes that will mean just dropping them an email or inviting them over for a meal and good times =) I need to find my camera plug so I can charge it... the one I have doesn't want to work which I remember happening last year but i don't remember what I did to fix it...
Ughhhh my family has gone back to Dothan so now it is up to me to take the tree down finally I had it up for almost 2 1/2 months.... it was fun to have it up and add new homemade ornaments from this year and I know we'll be adding more next year I just can't help myself! LoL I need to find a way to get and stay organized on the cheap. I have my kitchen table covered again with all my crafting supplies in less than a week....