Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Happy February!

LoL Whatever you do you should not hit enter after typing your title..... why because all of a sudden it says your blog has been posted... Uhhmmmm I didn't type anything witty or charming or just plain snarky!!! I was writing a good friend an email this morning and I told her that one of my new years resolutions was to connect more with my family that I liked and my awesome friends.... For me sometimes that will mean just dropping them an email or inviting them over for a meal and good times =) I need to find my camera plug so I can charge it... the one I have doesn't want to work which I remember happening last year but i don't remember what I did to fix it...
Ughhhh my family has gone back to Dothan so now it is up to me to take the tree down finally I had it up for almost 2 1/2 months.... it was fun to have it up and add new homemade ornaments from this year and I know we'll be adding more next year I just can't help myself! LoL I need to find a way to get and stay organized on the cheap. I have my kitchen table covered again with all my crafting supplies in less than a week....

1 comment:

cathouse teri said...

Ha! Yeah, I've done that premature posting thing before. ;)

Happy February to you, too!