Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Jobs, jobs, jobs!!!!

I am deep in my job search..... but may have found something promising.. working from home ((wooohooo working in my pj's...)) LoL nah that would get old quick... I'll get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and sit and play on the computer all dayand get paid for it :) could I get so lucky.... ok so there is a phone interview and most likely a in-person interview..... but I'll do fabulous like I always do..... so be thinking of me....
well I got to start doing loads of dishes ((yes!!)) and start dinner :)
have fun :)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Rich's Birthday

I decided to write in green cause that's rich's favorite color.. His birthday went wonderfully well, he ended up opening his first present a little after 10pm friday night which was 2 packages of Godiva coffee, a 4 pack of Godiva hot chocoalte and a little box of Godiva truffles.... but he pretty much opened all his presents before noon on his birthday turns out I couldn't torture him the way I wanted to I was as excited to give him the gifts as he was to recieve them.... I gave him 3 cd's (Kenny Rogers, Pat Benetar, and KISS) and 2 DVD's (The Peewee Herman Show season's one and two, and Mighty wind) We actually had a great day we had leftovers for lunch the eggplant parmesan was so very yummy!!!! The best part was dinner..We ate at the Crazy Buffet which is this yummy place that's VERY expensive for a buffet but considering I ate 3 filet mignon's and two thai duck wraps... and about 15 pieces of sushi and they have a
"CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN" which I generously used on all of my strawberries and grahm crackers.... oh it was so very yummy!!! We waddled into the mall and looked around and Rich used the gift certificate that Rachael and Larry gave him to EB Games ((thank you Rach and Lar)) and he bought another wrestling game that he really wanted and played it for about 2 hours last night and is playing it again this morning.... he loves it.. there was extra $ left on it so he bought me the Tony Hawk skateboarding gamn we'll see how it goes.... LoL
But all in all we had a great day and now we're talking about my birthday!!! which is in 16 days... I'll be 26 which is actually ok.... last year as I approached 25 I went into a MAJOR quarter life crisis which prompted a lot of change in my life, change that led me to Rich!!! so I look back and am thankful for the crisis but happy that this year when my birthday comes I get to celebrate it with a man who love me with his heart and soul, who spoils me rotten, and without fail can always make me laugh! and that is a simply wonderful thought and feeling..... so sayanora for now.. ya'll have a great day!!!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Busy Day

Rich's birthday is tommorow, so I spent all day running around getting presents because I don't trust him to have restraint and not open something that he shouldn't.. LoL he's like a little kid in the candy store.... i bought him a lot of shit! including his tickets to see Motley Crue but the best part is I got pretty good seats for the lowest amount and so it should be interesting... considering I'm not a HUGE fan of them but Rich is.... and thats really all that matters I just want him to be happy.. yeah half of his presents he can't even use until September.... but I know that he will love it...
So I plan on torturing him... LoL He gets a present he can open at 12:01 a.m. and then there's a present he can open at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.......
Oh crap... well I got to go and start frying up eggplant I'm making eggplant parmesan and ti should be very very yummy!!!! mmhhmmm I can't wait to eat it I'm all excited.... Plus I got a mixed cheesecake platter because thats what Rich loves... so he'll like it alot...
:) smile peoples....

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My Summer Movie Recomendations!!!

LoL so here's the movie's I recommend....

#1 Batman Begins!
#2 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
#3 Cinderella Man
#4 The Longest Yard
#5 Star Wars III

alright so I was not totally impressed with Star Wars as i was with Batman Begins.... I loved Batman Begins and would definitely see it again :) one of the only reason's I enjoyed Star Wars was because it answered a lot of questions and tied the whole story together.. woohooo it's done and now we can wait for the 6 movie set coming out!!!! LoL
I've seen the traveling pants movie twice now once with Brooke and once with Ashley.... and I love it and know that I will totally buy it when it comes out...
Cinderella Man was awesome becuase I had spent the last 16weeks watching The Contender so I enjoyed the boxing.... and I did watch the Mike Tyson fight and it was hillarious... he just got tired and quit..... quit the fight and quit boxing we'll see how long that one lasts....

Monday, June 20, 2005

My Father's Day

Ok so I'm not a father but i have a father therefore I celebrated father's day.... Rich took me out to breakfast out to a place called Wolfie's on Lake Monroe and we sat out on the deck and looked out over Lake Monroe while I sipped Mimosa's that we're out of this world.... It was a really relaxing morning we had a lot of fun just talking and being ourselves.... I love it when he suprises me with things like that... it means a lot to me... we came home and Rich got sick we couldn't figure out what it was we both ate almost the same thing at breakfast and then I started looking around our apartment and figured out what had done it.. he had put the bottle of water that I had filled from the tap into the fridge and had been drinking out of it.. it doesn't affect me but boy does it make him seriously ill. So I went to my parents by myself which was weird but we did have a good time and my dad loved his presents.... we bought him a ceiling fan but not just any.. it has the banana leaf fan blades which he just loves..... so he was happy.....
and then I came back home and took care of Rich and watched 5hours of 100 Greatest Kid Stars on VH1 I do not understand how they could put Gary Coleman as the number 1 kid... I thought it should have been Ron Howard or the Olsen Twins...oh well my opinion didn't matter.... what's funny is Mcauley Caulkin was #2......
ok well I'm going to end this ranting and say that we saw Batman Begins and it was one of the best movies I've seen this summer WAY better than Star Wars III

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Busy week!

I had a busy week and didn't have time to really post.... So i had my dr's apt... well I'm not going to die but at the same time my body just isn't working like it has been and should be.... So I wait a month and then go back... I looked very hard for a job this week and had NO luck which is pissing me off so Monday I will redouble my efforts..... So we've had a lazy saturday as usual and just kinda doing nothing till the Mike Tyson fight on Showtime yeah I know he lost but it will be damn funny to watch him lose..... LoL ok so I'm weird... well I'm going to get another drink so ya'll have fun! talk to you later.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Something pretty!!!

Counting Down the Days Til Our First!!
Daisypath PicDaisypath Ticker

Celebrating Our Six Month Anniversary

Yesterday, Rich and I celebrated our six month anniversary by eating lunch at the very same place we ate lunch the afternoon after we got married, Whataburger.. yummmy yummmy food!
So we're different but hey we get to enjoy our "wedding feast" again and again any time we feel like it..... which is so really nice.. I love being able to do that... and I smile everytime I get food from there...
So right now I'm listening to the all the songs that Rich and I picked out that made us think of each other.. Like "your my home" by billy joel and unless your a huge billy joel fan you may have never have even heard the song..... and "i could not ask for more" sung by sara evans.... we just really like her version better than edwin mcains one.... and "god bless the broken road" by rascall flatts.... and of course "unanswered prayers" by garth brooks. and just some random songs that we really just love and you can totally tell our ages when you listen to it..LOL
so we had an interesting day after lunch we went to K-mart for some odd's and end's, which we never have gone there before.. we just didn't want to brave the crowds at wally world..... so we get in there and we're not there for 10 min before the lights start flickering really bad and then they totally shut off! yeah shut off and we we're in the back corner of the store so we made our way to a main walkway and kinda waited around to see if they we're going to come back on.. they didn't and all of a sudden we heard a woman walking around yelling please make your way to the front of the store... and someone idioticaly asked why and she said we have NO WAY of making your purchases the POWER is out... oh yeah no lights hmmmhhhhh! so we left there and went to target and got everything except the garbage bags the one item I really couldn't live without... we have NONE.. so I'm headed out again to get garbage bags and some more cheese ....
so you peeps have fun and I'm off for my monday errands run.... LoL

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I have a sick hubby

Ok this is all about Rich and I but like most people I know I do most of the speaking for us as far as family and friends and letting people know how were doing so... I have a sick husband who has napped most of the day and finally let me buy him some damn medicine! and gatorade and decided peanut butter and jelly sandwich's sounded good.... LoL I love him to pieces :)
So we've decided to stay in today listen to the rain hit the sidewalk outside our apt, watch a pbs special on NYC (which has been very interesting) and smell the turkey cooking, yeppers I'm cooking a turkey which 100-1 my hubby won't be able to eat caus he'll still be sick...
Well i have to turn the turkey and let the skin brown on top :P yummy

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Weekend Fun

Today Rich took me out to breakfast and to the mall but what made it so great was that he drove me! I didn't have to drive I got to sit in the passenger seat! and enjoy it caus he's a great driver!!!!
so on Friday, I went over to see Joyce and Bree, she had some clothes for me which I was thrilled to get (clothes that i've never worn are new clothes to me) and then all of a sudden she was like WAIT I bet I have some pictures of Rich that you can have! (Joyce is Rich's ex-wife, she's now married to Brad and they have baby Bree who is just over six months by 3 days who is a cutie, we're all good friends so I lucked out totally!!! I could not have picked better friends to have :) So I got like about 50 pictures of Rich which was wonderful and I got some from when he was like 22 which I'm getting scanned and then will have up here so everyone can see him.. He was so freaking adorable!! Oh my Goodness.... thats my two cents of course Rich being Rich was like, "NO!, not pictures, I take bad pictures!!) which he so does not!!!
Well I need to get started on my thank you notes for presents from the party.... woohoo just what I want to do.. ok well I NEED to do it!
:) smile peeps

Thursday, June 02, 2005

My Results

I called the clinic and they said, Negative! what the hell I am over 2months late now and have no clue what the hell my body is doing.. I've made an apt with my ob/gyn and hopefully something will be resolved in all of this... I've told my family and like me their sad and I know in time I will get pregnant and have a baby and all the fun things like that... So for right now Rich and I are just enjoying being close and knowing that it's just us for a little while longer.....
:) all for now....