Saturday, June 04, 2005

Weekend Fun

Today Rich took me out to breakfast and to the mall but what made it so great was that he drove me! I didn't have to drive I got to sit in the passenger seat! and enjoy it caus he's a great driver!!!!
so on Friday, I went over to see Joyce and Bree, she had some clothes for me which I was thrilled to get (clothes that i've never worn are new clothes to me) and then all of a sudden she was like WAIT I bet I have some pictures of Rich that you can have! (Joyce is Rich's ex-wife, she's now married to Brad and they have baby Bree who is just over six months by 3 days who is a cutie, we're all good friends so I lucked out totally!!! I could not have picked better friends to have :) So I got like about 50 pictures of Rich which was wonderful and I got some from when he was like 22 which I'm getting scanned and then will have up here so everyone can see him.. He was so freaking adorable!! Oh my Goodness.... thats my two cents of course Rich being Rich was like, "NO!, not pictures, I take bad pictures!!) which he so does not!!!
Well I need to get started on my thank you notes for presents from the party.... woohoo just what I want to do.. ok well I NEED to do it!
:) smile peeps

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