Monday, June 20, 2005

My Father's Day

Ok so I'm not a father but i have a father therefore I celebrated father's day.... Rich took me out to breakfast out to a place called Wolfie's on Lake Monroe and we sat out on the deck and looked out over Lake Monroe while I sipped Mimosa's that we're out of this world.... It was a really relaxing morning we had a lot of fun just talking and being ourselves.... I love it when he suprises me with things like that... it means a lot to me... we came home and Rich got sick we couldn't figure out what it was we both ate almost the same thing at breakfast and then I started looking around our apartment and figured out what had done it.. he had put the bottle of water that I had filled from the tap into the fridge and had been drinking out of it.. it doesn't affect me but boy does it make him seriously ill. So I went to my parents by myself which was weird but we did have a good time and my dad loved his presents.... we bought him a ceiling fan but not just any.. it has the banana leaf fan blades which he just loves..... so he was happy.....
and then I came back home and took care of Rich and watched 5hours of 100 Greatest Kid Stars on VH1 I do not understand how they could put Gary Coleman as the number 1 kid... I thought it should have been Ron Howard or the Olsen Twins...oh well my opinion didn't matter.... what's funny is Mcauley Caulkin was #2......
ok well I'm going to end this ranting and say that we saw Batman Begins and it was one of the best movies I've seen this summer WAY better than Star Wars III

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