Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Something New.... The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window... The sun is shining it's a beautiful 81 degrees
I am thinking... about a lot of things.... mostly I want to go swimming!
I am thankful for... A roof over my head and food in my fridge
From the kitchen... It is a complete and total mess, I need to load the dishwasher and wipe
down the counters
I am wearing... my pajamas still, I see no reason to wear "real" clothes unless I'm headed out of the house
I am creating... LOTS I finished two sewing projects yesterday and today as soon as I'm off the computer I will be knitting some on a scarf project maybe for a mothers day present
I am going... to the store today sometime, we need water and bread
I am reading... Jodi Picoult's Keeping Faith only a couple of pages in but so far it's really good and I think I'll take some time today to read a few more pages, I'm also trying to keep up with my Bible in a Year reading..

I am hoping... to find a job soon, although I have LOVED being home my bills do not appreciate it at all!!!
I am hearing... The t.v. as Rich watches ESPN nest to me
Around the house... working on laundry and have to wash the bedding today
One of my favorite things... Ladybug my chihuahua curled up on the floor at my feet
A few plans for the rest of the week: Tomorrow Rich and I are headed out to Mimi's for breakfast with a BOGO coupon the only way we go out anymore... LoL

Here is picture for thought I am sharing... one of my sewing projects from yesterday

1 comment:

Diana said...

Wow, that's some nice weather! And I love Jodi Picoult's work. I could never put her books down whenever I start one.

Stopping by from TSWD,