Sunday, December 25, 2005

Our Second Christmas!!

Our christmas was amazing... we decided since we we're going to be spending the morning with my parents that we would open our presents on christmas eve.... So I bought Rich the psp he had been dying for ever since he saw Brad's.. LoL and I found a really nice dressy dallas cowboys watch so he was super excited about it and i bought him a couple of movies for his psp... and I got a stocking full of candy and little things that we're just so sweet, like a pink badge holder for my work badge! and a some pretty nail files and some chapstick because I have been complaing about my chapped lips... i had been dying for some victoria secret love spell body spray and a new bottle of tommy girl...He got me two amazing presents..... a velvet soft "baby" teddy bear from build a bear.. that when you squeeze his hand you hear rich say "hey courtney, I love you very much!" oh i could not quit squeezing the damn hand.... LoL i love it so much and all the girls at work love it!! LoL they all want to marry my hubby now...... and then i opened the smallest present.... a princess cut pink saphire ring in white gold.. it's beautiful..... there are time I can't quit staring at it..... ok so that's what we did ....... and now we are headed to bed... I have to go to work tommrow.. but i do get to sleep in and rich has the next week off..... at least i get to see him...... get my new schedule soon.. keep your fingers crossed......

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Our First Anniversary

Well we spent our first anniversary at the car dealership picking up our new car!!!!!! We are now the proud owners of a Pontiac Grand Prix GT the payments are perfect and the way we got it was simply amazing..... We had orginally thought we were getting a 2002 Ford Taurus because we thought thats what we could afford... well they were able to work the financing so that we could afford the Pontiac with an awesome sound system and a great engine and I just love driving the car.... I told Rich that this present would be hard to top.. and he laughed.... and was like yeah I will probably never top this present.... LoL no it was an awesome day and we had a lot of fun and really enjoyed ourselves
so thats all for now.....

Thursday, December 01, 2005

i'm at work

and i just got my new schedule.... 11am-8pm which means that I would get to spend.... maybe an hour with rich each night but I would have the weekends with him for two more weeks... because I missed all that time because of my car i'm kinda screwed... got my paycheck for last week... it was pathetic but it's money that I did earn and therfore i'm thankful.... so the calls are coming a little slow today but thats allright it gives me time to to do things like look for what I want for my christmas present I think i found it on it's a beautiful purse.... and a wallet to match..... i think he would much rather get me that then the kitchen aide cookware set i also want... LoL so maybe I could get that for myself in january or february when we move into the new apartment... we have to talk them about that and soon i want to give them at least2 months notice.... woohoo so excited i am thrilled about moving into a new apartment.. especially with a washer and dryer in it... no more retarded hours of operation for the laundry room or the constatnly broke machines... woohooo 2 am in my birthday suit and I could do laundry!!!!
i talked to rae at lunch and i miss her so badly.... but i do get to see her january 12-15 i think is when she'll be here..... so i'm excited......
oh my goodness it is so freakin slow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but totally not complaining......
sorry had to take a call.... i love where i work... just had to share that with you all!!!!
well because there is massive room for moving up and he wants to promote about a 1/3 of people on the floor now.. so.. we'll see what happens... let me get off this thing and do something else.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

I have had a kinda crappy week but it got better

Well for starters Monday was the first day of OJT *on the job training* woohooo it went fine and with little problems.... tuesday found out servers going out and we we're sent home early.... and then tuesday night rich and I headed out to get his hair cut and get him some jeans *woohoo the only other time i've ever seen my hubby in jeans was on our wedding day* and on the way back my car stalled out just died.... so i restarted it and it ran and then stalled out again i'm like WTF?!? so we called brad and he came down and looked at it and we had to run around on wednesday and get the parts well we didn't find them but we did go and see harry potter's new movie which I loved and thought was excellent!!! Thanksgiving was wonderful we went to my Aunt Beth and Uncle Dave's house which was lots of fun they have a beautiful house on a large piece of land... and then we headed over to Paula's house and was over there for a 3 hours or so and had a blast there as well..... all in all we had a great thanksgiving... and now it's saturday and I finally have made an apt to get my hair done which I can't believe I finally did!!!! so it's time to wake rich up and get him in the shower!!! LoL
Later days

Friday, November 18, 2005

Today is FRIDAY!!!!

uh huh uh huh uh huh!!!!!!
I'm so excited take a weekend and have a chill moment or two and today should be an easy day at work which makes it even better... i have to get dressed and yell at the printer to hurry up I get to make an early morning trip to walmart :) woohoooo
I need some new body spray all of mine have officially run out and there is no more.. none.. all empty.. :( very sad about that.... so well have a great day and then i will not be posting this weekend.... I plan on SLEEPING and SLEEPING and SLEEPING

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Today is Tuesday.....

and I'm doing a little dance... cause tommorow is wednesday and then I'm half way through my week and then the next day is thursday.. can anyone say "PAY DAY" and then friday woohoo and then saturday I'm going to try and get my hair done... so that I will be pretty for thanksgiving.. LoL ok so i'm basically crazy.... i need to work on certificate's for our trainers at work apparently that is now my job.. i said I have the paper i did not say i would do them and yet here i am doing them.. well i better start on them now.. i'm just procrastinating.. lol... later days people!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Eleven Months Ago Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were standing on pensacola beach getting married...... The happiest day of my life!!!!! I think back at all that we have been through and all that we will go through in the future and am happy that I have him by my side..... he can make me laugh when no one else can!! I am so excited Our one year anniversary is just a month away now.... I get so excited just thinking about it.... we really haven't decided what we want to do since it's a monday we'll both probably have to work so we might celebrate early and make it a weekend thing!!!! which I would mind at all...
Me and my Amazing Hubby!!!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

So two weeks later

Well I had a horrible first day at work and cried on the phone to anyone who would listen! so rich and I talked and i made several appointments to interview with family's that were looking for nannies and they went well and that gave me hope.... So I went back on the following monday and it got about 100% better it was a smaller group (they split us up) and the people I just didn't think i could handle weren't in my class anymore !!! woohooo it got easier and I really liked the trainer he's super relaxed and laid back and makes learning so easy.. we get loud and rambunctious and he lets us go on and then reigns us back in and we always end up more focused so he's obviously doing something right. So the more time I spend in class the more I'm thinking maybe I'll stay..... the good thing is that with a "real" job i would have FMLA if I should become pregnant which would be a GREAT thing instead of well i'm pregnant and they start looking for another nanny and replace me before i was ready to do.. considering they hired 2 women who were 7 yeah you read that right 7 months pregnant I have a feeling they're pretty cool about things like that.... plus everywhere I turn I see another pregnant woman.. and I would have insurance although i don't know how good it is.... so we'll just see plus most of the families I was interviewing with wanted part time and when I did out the bills with us wanting to move to a one bedroom that just won't work!!!!! so I think i'm where i'm at for now... i'm happier if only the commute could get better....
Oh about that job in Eustis.... they must be DESPERATE for people.. I called them the very next day before 12 like I had promised and left a message with the secretary that i apreciated the oppurtunity to work for their company but that it was just too far away and the hours we're not what I was looking for. She said she would pass along the message, the very next day she called to "remind" me about the class I again said, "thank you but i will not be in the class I found other employment closer to home!" so I was like damn ..... it gets better, so Sunday night I get another call from the instructor of the class telling me that even though the hurricane was coming that they we're still having the class... again i said, "thank you but this is now my third time informing the company that I will not be working for them!!! I have found other employment closer to home MUCH better hours and MUCH better pay thank you!" she said oh ok.... thinking well damn their dumb! but then wednesday when I checked my voice mail there's a message from the damn people again... this time I got nasty and left a message which was " I am not going to be working for you! I found a job closer to my home, about 2$ more an hour, and a much newer and cleaner facility! I do not want to have another call Please I feel like I'm being harrassed!" and have not heard from them again.. Thank God!!!!
well thats all smile peoples....

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Well Brad was able to fix my brake lights and make it so they weren't permanently on!!! Thank goodness :) so i went to an interview in Eustis.. ewwww no! and then went to one in Orlando kinda close to where we live not so far away really nice call center really clean bright and friendly and I got hired so now I have a job and I start work next Wednesday 8-5 which isn't bad and then my reg schedule will be 10-7ish.... which I'm not thrilled over but then I do still get to see rich at night which will be wonderful!!!! best part is NO selling and business to business contact.... which means fewer yelling calls!! yay, I like that part...... well that all my news for the past couple of days.... Rich is doing great on his diet and seems to be feeling better overall except today he just isn't feeling himself..... :(
Well later days...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


So yesterday I started walking again in the morning.... so today i was going to walk again but it was freakin cold.. yes cold... LoL too cold for the shorts and t-shirt i was wearing so I came inside after a 1/4 of a mile and plugged in the walking dvd we bought a while ago and I really like it alot I did a mile straight through and really enjoyed it.... so the thing is that when we (rich and i are going to start doing it at night) master that one we have a two mile "intense" workout also on the dvd.... so it should last us for at least a little while.. with me trying to get a nanny job I think my weight can be a factor in being hired.... so I at least want to build up my stamina so that I can run around with the best of them....
**so yesterday rich comes home and tell me my tailights are on and i think hmmm thats weird I wasn't running my headlights and they always bing at me when I do leave them on.... ok... well i go to the back of my car and it's the brake lights they're on... so i'm like thats even weirder, so i drive my car a little see if I can't "unstick" them or something doesn't work and still on.. left them and then later on went to see if I could get them to turn off again nope my car wouldn't even start drained my battery.... so after talking to brad *thank god for brad* he sugested we pull up on the brake pedal and what do you know it cut off... so he thinks the spring may be worn and it's letting the brake pedal rest on the sensor that controls the lights.... so i have to have the spring replaced so hopefully it will be a cheep fix and I'm praying that brad can fix it!!!
:) :) :) smile

Sunday, October 16, 2005

10 months

Rich and I have been blissfully, happily, indulgently married for 10 months now....
Ok can you tell that I love being with Rich and being married to him is just the icing on the cake... lol we make a good team and work well together... i love his sense of humor and the way he can make me feel..... no one has ever had that effect on me... ok i could go on ad naseum for hours about this but really.....
Mere is coming down in like a month..... wooohooo
Hopefully monday i'll get a call about a job.. woohooo
thats about all this sunday morning.... i got up way to early but thats ok.... i'll just go to bed early....

Thursday, October 13, 2005

So After a successful 9 weeks

I got fired... for being sick for half a day..... thats ok after crying and feeling horribly depressed for all day yesterday rich came home and cheered me up and made me feel better and then I had an interview today with a nanny agency which was fun fun fun... and she gave me great news there's a shortage of good nannies and that she thinks she can get me temp work till i can be placed with a family.. which is awesome news just a chance to make money and keep up to date.. i mean our bills are all paid and we have food in the fridge and some money in the bank but and rent isn't due for another 15 or so days..... and rich has a paycheck coming in which will cover that plus food.. but still having that extra money was nice.. the nice thing about temp nannying is that it's cash!! Hello..... but I really liked the lady and she was extremely nice and we got along really well... so i'm supposed to hear from her soon.......wooohoooooo

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Tommorow is FRIDAY

I am so freakin happy!!! I have barely made it through this week I'm just so tired I know it's been forever since I wrote in here.. Rich got great news from his dr. he now only has to take his blood sugar every other day and just a couple times instead of everyday 4times a day... he is happy and it's also helped his mood.. LoL he's very numbers focused and this has helped him to think about how he's feeling and to base what he should eat on that.. which is better for him.... we've been walking around the mall because it's been so rainy here.... so when I sit at work and look outside it's GRAY and rainy and really depressing!!!! and it sux it's hard to be upbeat and happy and get yelled at by at least 10 people a day when it's so yucky outside... at least when it's sunshiney and everything looks so clean I can smile.... LoL
We're looking at moving to a one bedroom which I think will be the most wonderful thing we can do right now!!! I love having a studio but as we are making more money we've begun aquiring new things and there really isn't room for it all.. LoL but a one bedroom will be a fun stretch.. budget wise I'm not worried but just what it will look like and will I be able to make it homey like our studio.... right now our apartment is a disaster zone with a capital D rich works 45 hours a week and has a five hours travel time a week and I'm out of the house 50 hours a week as well when we come home i feel good if I can make a healthy dinner and serve it before 6..... I'm right now working on shortcuts to make dinner easier.... one of the biggest ones is making the brown rice ahead of time because it can take an hour to cook which really just stresses me out.... I can get the meat and veggies ready in 20 -25 min the rice just needs to cook faster i don't like the instant or quick cook brown rice......
I am totally psyched for this weekend.. Rachael and Larry are coming down for the Edgewater High School Homecoming Game.. and then hanging out Saturday with his parents which she's thrilled about.... LoL poor thing.... and then sunday we're going to hang out with my family going to the Orlando Museum of Art.. check out what they have there... so excited...
and they we're doing dinner somewhere nice....woohooo I'm way to happy......

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
happy happy joy joy!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

One Long Week.....

I don't think this week will ever end... we have a lot going on Rich was diagnosed with diabetes which has totally changed our entire lives mostly for the better eating healthier and exercising.. wooohooo but I am just beat this week and this is my "wednesday" i have 2 more days to work this week and it should prove to be interesting on saturday.... :) yah totally looking forward to working.. can you tell???? LoL well I have to go make another bid on something at ebay... update you later on....

Saturday, September 10, 2005

A Lazy Saturday at Home

I really should enjoy this as long as I can!!! A saturday at home and I'm not on the phone it is interesting taking the calls that I do... I've been qualitied a couple of times and always get told how happy and positive I am.. so I guess I'm doing something right.... I did a huge load of dishes and am now just sitting her resting my back..... my sister sent me an interesting link which I'll post just below this..... do it it's always fun to do something like this....
well i'm leading a boring life right now... so... talk to ya'll later

Pass the Potatoe

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Pretty Baby

This is Meredith one of my closest and bestest friends and her new beautiful baby Sadie which is short for Sidonia which I think is a beautiful name for a very pretty baby... I love her to pieces and she is over in England and I dont' get to see her or Matt her hubby or the baby!! Hopefully I will get to see her in October when she comes over to the states ..... which by then I should be working my regular schedule which means I have mondays off to hang out with her...

This picture without a doubt makes me smile everytime I see it....

Busy Month

tommorow will make it a month that I've been working now for BankOne/Chase being trained as a Finacial Service Advisor sounds really impressive right... LoL tommorow will be my first day taking any phone calls and will prove to be an interesting one.... Rich and I totally copped out on dinner tonight.... fried chicken dinner from albertson's.. LoL greasy greasy chicken... it was yummmy

Not much more going on here.. I'm working and Rich is working and we get to hang out at night and on the weekends.... and my apartment is totally trashed because i'm not home to clean it... LoL however i have managed to keep a good control on the dishes... if I had a dishwasher than it would be NO problem... but I'm keeping a it down and not too full and 90% empty most nights....

well thats all I want to chill with Rich.... :)

Thursday, August 04, 2005

My Family

This was taken at my dad and Sherry's wedding last year... they just celebrated their one year anniversary! and are just an absolutely adorable couple!!!! I love them so very much... So anyways from left to right... is Rachael (the sister I grew up with) Me, my Daddy, Sherry, Emily in front of her ( I'm now an aunt!) Patti, and Laurie (emily's mom and one of my favorite people to talk to!) Our family is actually two people bigger, my sisters husband Larry who is a really great guy! and my hubby Rich who is just an amazing husband who makes me smile just thinking about him! I feel so very lucky to get along so well with the new members of my family you hear so many stories of just no one getting along... but my *other* mom is just so wonderful and so sweet and is funny about not wanting to step on any toes that you can't help but love her.... and her and I can go and do things and it's FUN! and laurie and I talk every couple of weeks and I send Emily little things as often as I can....Patti is a little harder I talked to her at the wedding and really haven't talked to her since but she was very nice at the wedding.....

(**oh we finally got our printer to work... LoL my parents gave us they're 2 month old printer because they wanted a the all in one printer scanner copier so I brought it over and then forgot about the software so two weeks later I finally remember it and copy it from they're computer and now rich is a very happy man! me too!**)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Tuesday morning musings

this is a picture of me when I was just several weeks old, my mommy holding me, my maternal grandmother and then my great grandmother who I'm told NEVER smiled.... I've been having major missing my mommy moments lately.... could be i just had my birthday... could be that my dad and *other*mom just celebrated their one year anniversary it could be a number of reasons. all I know is that I miss her, I miss her advice, I miss her wacked out sense of humor, I miss her hugs, I miss her scratching my back (sounds goofy but Rach knows what I'm talking about) I miss so many things about her.... I do NOT miss the many trips to the hospital, the constant pain she was in, the confusion she would sometimes find herself in.... Mercy Me wrote a great song called homesick and I just get chills when I listen to it.... I'm gonna find the 4x6 picture that was taken the sunday before she died.... she looks so happy and so serene..... I just need to keep that in mind.....
I just needed to get that off my chest....

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Way to early to be up on a Saturday morning...

and yet here I sit typing... I probably could have slept in a lot longer but for some reason rich was up early and he got on the computer which completely woke me up and of course now he's back in bed and I can't get back to sleep if my life depended on it... isn't that the way it usually goes.... So I'm here and have a million thoughts running around in my head most notably that I am now officially employed.. wooohoooo that is a huge relief to both rich and I. the pay is phenomenal and the hours are really good for 10 weeks I work Mon-Fri 7:30-4:30 then I have a permanent schedule of Tues-Sat 7am-3:30pm so I'll be home by 4 on most days which will mean that I can start dinner and do any cleaning up before rich gets home at 5.... We're now thinking of staying in Altamonte Springs and getting a bigger place... at least a one bedroom, it'd be nice to have it stay dark in the bedroom when rich has trouble sleeping...well I'm going to plug in a movie and veg for a while....

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Thoughts on Our Life

hello there, I wanted to post this picture to our blog, this was taken september 18th, we had been dating for about 3 weeks at this time and I asked him if he would be my date to my sister's wedding and he happily agreed! So we went and had a blast and I heard from a lot of people that day what a great couple we seemed to be and when I had to do some "official" maid of honor stuff I left him with some of our friends and when I got back a couple of them pulled me aside and said whatever you do DON'T LET HIM GO and I so wisely followed their advice and have not regretted one decision I've made with him.... so we've been blissfully happy ever since... I can't imagine my life without him in it.... so on that note... We are looking forward to celebrating the one year anniversary of our first date in right around a month.... :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Woohooo Up Early

I have that interview this morning at 11:30am and I'm hoping it goes well.... Ok VH1 is about to piss me off... I'm watching Jump Start and they're playing the Mariah Carey video again within less than an hour of playing it earlier.... So if this interview doesn't go well I have another one scheduled for tommorow paying really well but the schedule may be crappy so we'll play it by ear. So rich and I have been together for 11 months today... so next month it will be a year.... woohooo and then a couple of months later we celebrate our one year wedding anniversary... :) :) :) I am so madly in love with him....
well i'm gonna get my skirt and throw it in the dryer with a bunch of fabric softner sheets... to dewrinkle it.. LoL we'll see how it goes.. I am currently refusing to wear panty hose caus I HATE them! :P so I'm going to wear a long skirt... see solves the problem....
I'll post later on today

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Job Interviews

Well I didn't get that Job I really wanted and considering we are now going 20 days past.. it's scaring me a little.... so I just recieved a call from a place and they want me to come in for an interview tommorow at 11:30am Hallelujah and praise the Lord... I really need a job don't really want one just because I'm a lazy bum.... LoL but no I'm trying to behave and know that I will// rich and I really just need and a small amount of money to really just make it... but it will be nice to put money aside so that when we move we have a bunch of money to really do it well.... which I'm thinking may be a you pack we drive! cause I'm not sure we want to drive plus we have to get both of our cars up there.... UGH to much to think about!
:) smile peeps

Lets Cross our Fingers

Ok so I couldn't post for about a month and a half.... some problem with it not allowing the cookies of this blog... who knows..... but i signed on and was able to click on post without having to resign in!! Rich and I celebrated my birthday in grand style... I made my favorite foods.... braised chicken, cabbage, and smashed baked potatoes!!! and then Rich had his hair cut and we went to target to return a CD he got me for my birthday... I got the Josh Meyer CD, and got the Josh Gracien CD and two DVD's Never Been Kissed and Miss Congeniality and he preordered the sixth Harry Potter Book for me which was awesome but that'll be another post. And I got another book and a funky notebook from Simply She which I love ....
I'm still waiting for Rae's card which she mailed the Saturday before Hurricane Dennis hit so we're talking about going on two weeks!!!
Well I'm going to cross my fingers and hope this thing sends!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Jobs, jobs, jobs!!!!

I am deep in my job search..... but may have found something promising.. working from home ((wooohooo working in my pj's...)) LoL nah that would get old quick... I'll get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and sit and play on the computer all dayand get paid for it :) could I get so lucky.... ok so there is a phone interview and most likely a in-person interview..... but I'll do fabulous like I always do..... so be thinking of me....
well I got to start doing loads of dishes ((yes!!)) and start dinner :)
have fun :)

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Rich's Birthday

I decided to write in green cause that's rich's favorite color.. His birthday went wonderfully well, he ended up opening his first present a little after 10pm friday night which was 2 packages of Godiva coffee, a 4 pack of Godiva hot chocoalte and a little box of Godiva truffles.... but he pretty much opened all his presents before noon on his birthday turns out I couldn't torture him the way I wanted to I was as excited to give him the gifts as he was to recieve them.... I gave him 3 cd's (Kenny Rogers, Pat Benetar, and KISS) and 2 DVD's (The Peewee Herman Show season's one and two, and Mighty wind) We actually had a great day we had leftovers for lunch the eggplant parmesan was so very yummy!!!! The best part was dinner..We ate at the Crazy Buffet which is this yummy place that's VERY expensive for a buffet but considering I ate 3 filet mignon's and two thai duck wraps... and about 15 pieces of sushi and they have a
"CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN" which I generously used on all of my strawberries and grahm crackers.... oh it was so very yummy!!! We waddled into the mall and looked around and Rich used the gift certificate that Rachael and Larry gave him to EB Games ((thank you Rach and Lar)) and he bought another wrestling game that he really wanted and played it for about 2 hours last night and is playing it again this morning.... he loves it.. there was extra $ left on it so he bought me the Tony Hawk skateboarding gamn we'll see how it goes.... LoL
But all in all we had a great day and now we're talking about my birthday!!! which is in 16 days... I'll be 26 which is actually ok.... last year as I approached 25 I went into a MAJOR quarter life crisis which prompted a lot of change in my life, change that led me to Rich!!! so I look back and am thankful for the crisis but happy that this year when my birthday comes I get to celebrate it with a man who love me with his heart and soul, who spoils me rotten, and without fail can always make me laugh! and that is a simply wonderful thought and feeling..... so sayanora for now.. ya'll have a great day!!!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Busy Day

Rich's birthday is tommorow, so I spent all day running around getting presents because I don't trust him to have restraint and not open something that he shouldn't.. LoL he's like a little kid in the candy store.... i bought him a lot of shit! including his tickets to see Motley Crue but the best part is I got pretty good seats for the lowest amount and so it should be interesting... considering I'm not a HUGE fan of them but Rich is.... and thats really all that matters I just want him to be happy.. yeah half of his presents he can't even use until September.... but I know that he will love it...
So I plan on torturing him... LoL He gets a present he can open at 12:01 a.m. and then there's a present he can open at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.......
Oh crap... well I got to go and start frying up eggplant I'm making eggplant parmesan and ti should be very very yummy!!!! mmhhmmm I can't wait to eat it I'm all excited.... Plus I got a mixed cheesecake platter because thats what Rich loves... so he'll like it alot...
:) smile peoples....

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My Summer Movie Recomendations!!!

LoL so here's the movie's I recommend....

#1 Batman Begins!
#2 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
#3 Cinderella Man
#4 The Longest Yard
#5 Star Wars III

alright so I was not totally impressed with Star Wars as i was with Batman Begins.... I loved Batman Begins and would definitely see it again :) one of the only reason's I enjoyed Star Wars was because it answered a lot of questions and tied the whole story together.. woohooo it's done and now we can wait for the 6 movie set coming out!!!! LoL
I've seen the traveling pants movie twice now once with Brooke and once with Ashley.... and I love it and know that I will totally buy it when it comes out...
Cinderella Man was awesome becuase I had spent the last 16weeks watching The Contender so I enjoyed the boxing.... and I did watch the Mike Tyson fight and it was hillarious... he just got tired and quit..... quit the fight and quit boxing we'll see how long that one lasts....

Monday, June 20, 2005

My Father's Day

Ok so I'm not a father but i have a father therefore I celebrated father's day.... Rich took me out to breakfast out to a place called Wolfie's on Lake Monroe and we sat out on the deck and looked out over Lake Monroe while I sipped Mimosa's that we're out of this world.... It was a really relaxing morning we had a lot of fun just talking and being ourselves.... I love it when he suprises me with things like that... it means a lot to me... we came home and Rich got sick we couldn't figure out what it was we both ate almost the same thing at breakfast and then I started looking around our apartment and figured out what had done it.. he had put the bottle of water that I had filled from the tap into the fridge and had been drinking out of it.. it doesn't affect me but boy does it make him seriously ill. So I went to my parents by myself which was weird but we did have a good time and my dad loved his presents.... we bought him a ceiling fan but not just any.. it has the banana leaf fan blades which he just loves..... so he was happy.....
and then I came back home and took care of Rich and watched 5hours of 100 Greatest Kid Stars on VH1 I do not understand how they could put Gary Coleman as the number 1 kid... I thought it should have been Ron Howard or the Olsen Twins...oh well my opinion didn't matter.... what's funny is Mcauley Caulkin was #2......
ok well I'm going to end this ranting and say that we saw Batman Begins and it was one of the best movies I've seen this summer WAY better than Star Wars III

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Busy week!

I had a busy week and didn't have time to really post.... So i had my dr's apt... well I'm not going to die but at the same time my body just isn't working like it has been and should be.... So I wait a month and then go back... I looked very hard for a job this week and had NO luck which is pissing me off so Monday I will redouble my efforts..... So we've had a lazy saturday as usual and just kinda doing nothing till the Mike Tyson fight on Showtime yeah I know he lost but it will be damn funny to watch him lose..... LoL ok so I'm weird... well I'm going to get another drink so ya'll have fun! talk to you later.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Something pretty!!!

Counting Down the Days Til Our First!!
Daisypath PicDaisypath Ticker

Celebrating Our Six Month Anniversary

Yesterday, Rich and I celebrated our six month anniversary by eating lunch at the very same place we ate lunch the afternoon after we got married, Whataburger.. yummmy yummmy food!
So we're different but hey we get to enjoy our "wedding feast" again and again any time we feel like it..... which is so really nice.. I love being able to do that... and I smile everytime I get food from there...
So right now I'm listening to the all the songs that Rich and I picked out that made us think of each other.. Like "your my home" by billy joel and unless your a huge billy joel fan you may have never have even heard the song..... and "i could not ask for more" sung by sara evans.... we just really like her version better than edwin mcains one.... and "god bless the broken road" by rascall flatts.... and of course "unanswered prayers" by garth brooks. and just some random songs that we really just love and you can totally tell our ages when you listen to it..LOL
so we had an interesting day after lunch we went to K-mart for some odd's and end's, which we never have gone there before.. we just didn't want to brave the crowds at wally world..... so we get in there and we're not there for 10 min before the lights start flickering really bad and then they totally shut off! yeah shut off and we we're in the back corner of the store so we made our way to a main walkway and kinda waited around to see if they we're going to come back on.. they didn't and all of a sudden we heard a woman walking around yelling please make your way to the front of the store... and someone idioticaly asked why and she said we have NO WAY of making your purchases the POWER is out... oh yeah no lights hmmmhhhhh! so we left there and went to target and got everything except the garbage bags the one item I really couldn't live without... we have NONE.. so I'm headed out again to get garbage bags and some more cheese ....
so you peeps have fun and I'm off for my monday errands run.... LoL

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I have a sick hubby

Ok this is all about Rich and I but like most people I know I do most of the speaking for us as far as family and friends and letting people know how were doing so... I have a sick husband who has napped most of the day and finally let me buy him some damn medicine! and gatorade and decided peanut butter and jelly sandwich's sounded good.... LoL I love him to pieces :)
So we've decided to stay in today listen to the rain hit the sidewalk outside our apt, watch a pbs special on NYC (which has been very interesting) and smell the turkey cooking, yeppers I'm cooking a turkey which 100-1 my hubby won't be able to eat caus he'll still be sick...
Well i have to turn the turkey and let the skin brown on top :P yummy

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Weekend Fun

Today Rich took me out to breakfast and to the mall but what made it so great was that he drove me! I didn't have to drive I got to sit in the passenger seat! and enjoy it caus he's a great driver!!!!
so on Friday, I went over to see Joyce and Bree, she had some clothes for me which I was thrilled to get (clothes that i've never worn are new clothes to me) and then all of a sudden she was like WAIT I bet I have some pictures of Rich that you can have! (Joyce is Rich's ex-wife, she's now married to Brad and they have baby Bree who is just over six months by 3 days who is a cutie, we're all good friends so I lucked out totally!!! I could not have picked better friends to have :) So I got like about 50 pictures of Rich which was wonderful and I got some from when he was like 22 which I'm getting scanned and then will have up here so everyone can see him.. He was so freaking adorable!! Oh my Goodness.... thats my two cents of course Rich being Rich was like, "NO!, not pictures, I take bad pictures!!) which he so does not!!!
Well I need to get started on my thank you notes for presents from the party.... woohoo just what I want to do.. ok well I NEED to do it!
:) smile peeps

Thursday, June 02, 2005

My Results

I called the clinic and they said, Negative! what the hell I am over 2months late now and have no clue what the hell my body is doing.. I've made an apt with my ob/gyn and hopefully something will be resolved in all of this... I've told my family and like me their sad and I know in time I will get pregnant and have a baby and all the fun things like that... So for right now Rich and I are just enjoying being close and knowing that it's just us for a little while longer.....
:) all for now....

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

So I didn't write when I said I would

Well we spent most of the week making calls and then Friday morning I had to go back in to have blood drawn because there wasn't enough and that just drove me crazy so I had to wait even longer to get my results .... My sisters we're in town for my party and just to have fun and we did have a lot of fun. I miss not having my sister close, but am almost postive we are going to be moving to Blue Springs, MO where my "step" sister lives.. we act like we've known each other all of our lives so I really don't think of her as being my "step" anything... LoL
The party went great and amazingly well, Rich's family came which was nice as they got to meet my parents.. we've been married for over 5 months and our parents had never met... I do get off easy on some things...

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Our Party

Rich and I posing with our cake!!! which my mom had ordered from Publix it was so very yummy! We had a great time and had so much fun.... It was nice for our my parents to meet his mom and stepdad and even gramma came which was nice.... So there are lots of pictures and I'm working on setting up a website to show off some of the pictures....

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

T-3 hours

Ok so there are three hours to go before we can call and see what the results are, and then we have to make about a gazillion calls after that... I'm trying not to be nervous so I'm surfing the net and find myself and baby sites and go ohhhh I want that! LoL so I thought if i took 10 min to write all this down I might feel better about it all... There are a lot of thoughts swirling in my head right now, most of them going i really do want to be pregnant but like I've been saying to everyone and trying to constantly tell myself.. If I'm supposed to be pregnant than I will be it's up to God and God alone whether or not I am... I have been doing an enormous amount of praying lately just that his will be done no matter how badly I want this... I'll post again when we get home...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Our Travels

So today we ran all over town trying to find a place to have a blood pregnancy test, we went to 3 places and made calls to 3 places before we finally found a place to have it done! So we made it and it was actually not that bad, so now we get to wait 2 days to get the results which is going to drive us crazy waiting as we're not that patient of people.... LoL
I feel like everytime I turn around I was having to tell people what was up so that what was going to be kept very quiet ended up being slightly big...
We found out that Rich's mom and stepdad our coming to our party which is thrilling and scary all at the same time...
Oh I got my wedding band today which is simply beautiful and goes so well with my new engagemtn band.. but what i really love is that it matches Rich's wedding ring... I'm so dorky but thats ok....

Friday, May 20, 2005


Frustrated is the perfect word to describe how I'm feeling.... My body is having fun playing tricks on me and we just want to know whats going on.... thats all I just need to vent a little....

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Things to talk about

So Rich and I bought that computer and it took me a little bit longer to get back to the blog but I'm gonna work on making sure that I at least post once a week. Right now there is pretty much nothing going on still planning the big party which should be a lot of fun as more names get added. I'm not working right now but Rich gave my resume to one of his bosses as one of the girls in the office moved to the factory but I'm not sure thats going to work out as the girl is complaining about her back hurting so she's probably going back to the office....
Next week I'll post my resume and go on interviews wooohoooo so much fun, ooooh I ordered my new rings, the ones I wear now which we're my mothers I'm having a really bad reaction to the gold plus for some reason they're cutting into my skin. This is my wedding band : it matches Rich's wedding band which was important to me cause for some reason I'm all in to that matching.
Well I have to go get the laundry out of the dryers so I'll talk more later.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

It'a a Start

Well like I said it's a start.... something for everyone to see what's going on in our lives.... See what we're thinking and fun things like that... Well right now we are preparing for our big party that my parents are throwing for us May 29th, as a reception and for people to meet Rich considering I've kept him under lock and key and never let him go out.. LOL biggest laugh ever Rich and I just happen to be the biggest homebodies ever and so we don't tend to go out much.. One of our favorite activities is still hanging out with Brad and Joyce and their baby Brie on tuesday nights watching american Idol and letting the comments fly about how good or how absolutely horrible they were....
Nothing much else.. will get lots of picture posted soon very soon like within the week we get our new computer tonight or tommorow which I am thrilled about so I can get all the pic's from my parents computer and get them on mine.... Later Days